Event Details
As a valued Member of the VMA your Association's Board is committed to continuous improvement in the representation and engagement of our industry with the VMA. In order to ensure that we have the structure in place that best reflects the needs of the Association, our Members and the industry into the future we invite you to participate in a short focus group session with the VMA and 15 of your peers.
The VMA Board has convened a subcommittee to undertake a review the VMA Constitution to ensure that it is fit for purpose for our Association.
We are conducting a series of Focus Groups, each of no more than 90 minutes duration, during July to help us understand what is important to our Members with respect to our Constitution, and in particular:
- Do the current membership classifications/definitions reflect the industry in which we operate,
- Does the current Board makeup, consisting of both Active and Allied representation, meet the future needs of the Association.
We welcome your participation in this important discussion.
REGISTER NOW - sessions are being held ONLINE - Monday 3rd July 10AM, Thursday 6th July 3PM and Wednesday 12th July 1PM (AEST)